Michael Chekhov (1891-1955)
A nephew of playwright Anton Chekhov, he was widely recognized as one of the greatest actors of the 20th century. Michael Chekhov had a great talent for characterization and was a keen observer of the creative process.
At the Moscow Art Theatre the collaboration between K.Stanislavsky, E.Vachtangov, V.Meyerhold and Michael Chekhov led to a theatre that was bold, expressive and imaginative. In their work they searched for objective principles that would lead to inspired acting.
This investigation led Chekhov to develop his own psycho-physical acting technique, incorporating body and imagination.
After leaving Russia in 1928 Chekhov spent eleven years in Europe - acting, directing and teaching. He worked with Max Reinhardt in Berlin and Vienna, founded his own company in Paris and directed for the theatres in Riga and the Baltic countries. In 1936 he opened the Chekhov Theatre Studio in Dartington Hall, England. In 1939 he moved to the United States, where he taught in both New York and in Hollywood.